national multicultural alliance logo on black background
national multicultural alliance logo on mugs

National Multicultural Alliance

Nonprofit Branding & Logo Design

The National Multicultural Alliance (NMCA), formerly known as the National Minority Consortia, is dedicated to bringing unique voices and perspectives from diverse communities to all aspects of public broadcasting. For over forty years, the NMCA has been crucial to public broadcasting’s mission and continuation of amazing work with public media. In the past, UNANIMOUS worked with Vision Maker Media, one of five media groups in the NMCA. With a level of trust already in place, the NMCA approached UNANIMOUS to rename its organization and update its brand identity.

before and after logos

Brand Renaming Strategy

We had two main goals we were looking to establish with NMCA: 1. Create a name that accurately describes and reflects the organization and the role it plays in public media. And 2. Develop a logo and brand identity that is bold, aspirational, and unique that emphasizes diversity and equality.

UNANIMOUS led an initial discovery call with several stakeholders from the National Multicultural Alliance. Conversations were held around the direction that the new name and brand should take. One of the main challenges to tackle was the current brand name did not accurately reflect the organization. The word minority was no longer correct, as collectively, the group was no longer a minority.

For the new name, NMCA wanted something that emphasized diversity, inclusion, and a brand that contained a visual representation of its  "strands" of diversity. Several naming options were presented, and the final name selected was the National Multicultural Alliance.

multicultural event

Logo Design & Brand Guide

Once the name was selected, concepts for a new logo and brand identity started to arise. There are five organizations that make up the National Multicultural Alliance. It includes Vision Maker Media, Black Public Media, Center for Asian American Media, Latino Public Broadcasting, and Pacific Islanders in Communication. This allowed UNANIMOUS to explore ways to create a unique design with five elements representing each partnering organization.

The final logo design, an abstract triangular design, included five uniquely colored prisms that signified each organization. The design included all-new colors, typography, and design elements for the brand, which resulted in a modern, refreshed look.

brand guide

Alternate Logo Concepts