Brand Discovery

Onboarding & Research

At UNANIMOUS, we believe the foundation of any successful branding project lies in discovery, onboarding, and research. These initial phases ensure a deep understanding of your brand's essence, audience, and competitive landscape, forming a strategic blueprint that guides every creative decision, ensuring impactful, resonant, and authentic brand experiences.

The UNANIMOUS Jumpstart Discovery

UNANIMOUS leverages a proprietary discovery method at the outset of every branding project, embodying a strategic and intentional approach to seek truth, gain alignment, and provide organizational clarity. This process involves onboarding and thorough research to fully understand the unique aspects of a client's brand, scrutinizing goals and needs through deep questioning and active listening. This meticulous beginning ensures that insights gathered fuel the creation of compelling strategies, thoughtful brands, scalable websites, and, ultimately, powerful results, setting a strong foundation for every subsequent phase of the branding journey.

unanimous brand discovery jumpstart document
marketing research charts and graphs

Audience & Market Research

A highly focused and intentional strategy begins with comprehensive audience and market research to fully understand your audience's motivation, barriers, perceptions, and more. We formulate a tailored strategy utilizing primary methods like surveys, interviews, and focus groups and secondary methods like industry studies and competitor data. Your involvement is key in identifying and inviting research participants. UNANIMOUS will create questions, facilitate the research, and document results. The compiled data will be presented to your team, provide the groundwork for your messaging platform, and inform strategic marketing decisions.

People & Roles

In the UNANIMOUS Jumpstart discovery process, identifying the right people and their roles is crucial for setting a project's foundation. It ensures a comprehensive understanding of responsibilities and expertise within the team, facilitating efficient collaboration and decision-making. This alignment is vital for leveraging diverse skills and perspectives, driving the project toward its objectives with clarity and purpose.

Purpose & Goals

Understanding the purpose and setting clear goals are the foundation of any successful brand strategy. This discovery step involves articulating the core reason behind the brand's existence beyond making profits—its mission, vision, and values. Establishing specific and measurable goals aligns efforts and resources, providing a roadmap to achieve the brand's aspirations and measure progress effectively.

Milestones & Timeline

Setting milestones within a strategic timeline is essential for managing expectations, project pace, and ensuring timely delivery. This scheduling component involves breaking down the project into key phases and timelines, fostering a sense of urgency and progress. It helps in tracking achievements and adjusting strategies as needed, keeping the project on track toward its ultimate goals.

Brand Assets & Inventory

Assessing brand assets and taking marketing inventory is critical in understanding the existing materials and strategies that can be leveraged or need refinement. This includes logos, taglines, color schemes, and any other visual or verbal elements that constitute the brand's identity. A thorough audit ensures consistency and coherence across all brand touchpoints, enhancing recognition and trust.

Audience & Targets

Identifying the target audience and understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviors is fundamental to tailoring brand strategies that resonate. This step involves segmenting the market and pinpointing the brand's primary and secondary audiences, ensuring that messaging and marketing efforts are effectively aligned with their expectations and desires, thereby maximizing engagement and loyalty.

Uniqueness & Differentiation

Highlighting what sets the brand apart from competitors is key to carving out a unique market position. This component focuses on identifying and communicating the brand's unique value propositions and differentiators. It's about showcasing the brand's strengths and unique attributes to create a compelling reason for the target audience to choose it over others.

Competitors & Peers

Analyzing competitors and peers provides valuable insights into the market landscape, trends, and potential gaps that the brand can exploit. This understanding helps in benchmarking and positioning the brand effectively, identifying opportunities for innovation and differentiation, and avoiding market saturation by offering something unique or superior.

Persona & Culture

The brand's persona and culture are its soul and personality, shaping how it interacts with the world and is perceived by its audience. This component involves defining the brand's character, tone, and values, ensuring they resonate with the target audience and are reflected consistently across all communications. A strong, relatable persona fosters emotional connections and brand loyalty.

Services & Products

A deep dive into the brand's offerings ensures they align with its identity and meet the audience's needs. This step assesses the current portfolio's strengths and weaknesses, identifying opportunities for innovation or refinement. Aligning products and services with the brand's core values and customer expectations is essential for delivering value and building a loyal customer base.

Preferences & Expectations

Understanding the preferences and expectations of both the brand's internal stakeholders and its target market is crucial for aligning strategies with actual needs and desires. This involves gathering feedback and insights to tailor the brand experience, ensuring it not only meets but exceeds expectations, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement.